
People asked us for a Baptist church to attend...
I had the privilege of being born into a Christian home and raised on the mission field. I heard the Gospel many times, but it wasn’t until I was five years old that I understood my need for a Saviour. I thank God for allowing me to be raised in Peru where I was able to witness first-hand the need for more Baptist churches. God started working in my heart to serve Him in the area of missions as a young man and it was many years of praying before God would shed more light on His will for my life.
At the age of fifteen, I surrendered my life to serve Him, and two years later I left Peru to complete Bible College in Austin, Texas. God began to confirm His calling during a missions trip in 2017 and then again during a survey trip in 2018 with three other like-minded friends. We saw the glaring need for more Independent Baptist churches in Ecuador and we experienced the sincere responses of several coming to Christ during our trip. In every city that we visited and preached, people asked us for a Baptist church to attend in their area. Sadly, we would have to constantly repeat that there was not any church that we were aware was preaching the Gospel nearby. There are a handful of churches in the entire country but many of these converts would not have the means to travel to a good church. In these moments, God confirmed in me His call to Ecuador to reach the present, and future generations of Ecuador for Christ.
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511